Juicing Tips

Juicing for Health


Did you overindulge this week?

I did and I'm really feeling it! I usually eat and drink pretty clean, yet I found myself in that spiral of eating and drinking too many of the wrong things for several days.

It has left me feeling foggy, tired, unmotivated, and even a little depressed. 

I had made plans to go to Seattle today and chose to indulge in some self-care instead.

I went out early for a bit of fresh sea air, harvested some cedar for a smudge stick order, and gathered ingredients for some healthy juice.

I keep juicing super simple. No need for complicated recipes or a bunch of exotic ingredients. 

If you are new to juicing, I recommend using just one to two ingredients at a time. I don't peel anything or do much chopping. I just wash everything well and push it through the chute.

My go-to blend is apples, greens, and ginger. I alternate apple with handfuls of greens. An inch or two of ginger gives it a little zing. 

Carrots, apples, and ginger is another favorite.

I also like juicing individually pineapple and various melons.

If you have some fresh herbs, you might add a handful of those too.

Cucumber melon with a bit of fresh basil is amazing!

Don't get too hung up on measurements or using the right amounts. Be creative and enjoy the goodness you are providing yourself. 

Take time to appreciate the colors of nature and the fresh aromas. You'll be hooked just like me!

I'd love to hear some of your favorites!
