Mindful Living from my Kitchen

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Frozen Coffee Cubes

What does this have to do with mindfulness?

It is just a matter of paying attention to and treating with value the resources we have available. Maybe looking at things a little differently. Treating everything as though it has value. Instead of throwing something away, how can you create something else of value?

Good coffee is one area of my life that I do not skimp on. Caffe' D'arte out of Seattle is one of my favorites. I have it delivered to my home in Tucson, Arizona.

Every morning, my partner makes me a foamy latte with sugar free vanilla syrup and soy milk. He serves it to me in a big, beautiful white cup. I look forward to it every day and allow myself time to enjoy the experience fully before I transition into my work. Sometimes I will also savor a french press in the afternoon or a decaf in the evening.

I used to pour leftover coffee down the drain or just save it in the refrigerator for maybe making an iced coffee later. I usually forgot about it, or if I remembered, the ice cubes watered down the drink and it would end up down the drain anyways.

I contemplated this small act of wastefulness enough that I finally came to a solution...just freeze the leftover coffee in ice cube trays, then put them into an airtight container to use later. Now my iced coffee tastes better and lasts longer.

I have since used the same idea for my homemade prickly pear juice, and small amounts of leftover fruit. These remnants go into cold blended drinks or smoothies.

I feel better about producing less waste, and my dollar goes further.

What are some ways you practice mindfulness in your everyday life?