Finding Contentment in the Simplicity of Everyday Tasks

Fresh cut herbs from my garden, my favorite beat up wooden spoon, and a well used cutting board.

As I looked down at my prep space, I was taken in by the simplicity and the feeling of contentment it created.

I contemplated the life journey I have been on and all the layers I have shed to get to this moment.

This moment where all I need is right here, right now.

All the material belongings I have let go of and continue to release as I sift through what is left of my personal effects. Remembering the things that were lost or taken from me.

My journey of mindfulness that began many years ago and led to my current minimalist lifestyle.

In this moment, I am grateful for having just what I need to get the meaningful work done. I am grateful that I freed up my space from excess objects that served little to no purpose. I am grateful for the memories and feelings evoked by the marks in the wooden tools. I am grateful for fresh food and herbs that I gather daily from my garden and the local markets.

Most of all, I am grateful for clearing space in my mind by minimizing not only physical possessions, also mental and emotional clutter, by releasing unhealthy patterns, limiting ways of thinking, and unhealthy relationships.

I am willing to do the hard stuff sometimes to create more of a sense of ease.

Where in your life can you let go and release to create more space? Physically, emotionally, and mentally?